>>>>> "Kirill" == Kirill Ponomarew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Kirill> Hi, On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 11:46:43AM -0300, Pablo Morales
Kirill> wrote:

>> Someone said that the realtek 8029 and 8139 ethernet cards are the
>> worst cards ever made. My boss is planning to make a great buy of
>> this cards for a communication project ( the reasons is obius, the
>> cost of this cards ) I'm trying to persuade him to by 3com ethernet
>> cards, but I need technical information to demostrate him that it's
>> not a good inversion to buy those kind of cards.
>> Can someone give a good explanation of that or at least where can I
>> find information about it?

Kirill> please read comments in /usr/src/sys/pci/if_rl.c

It's worth noting that there's a scale to all this.  The driver
comments imply that the card will push 100Mb if you have enough power
in the CPU ... defined as 400Mhz.  Given the price of this card
... and the fact that less-than-400Mhz CPU's are rather rare, and that
this is only an issue for high bandwidth applications ... the rl cards
might fit for you.

We use them extensively in workstations... even diskless.  The reason
being that with modern processors, they perform adequately ... and
although they take up extra CPU ... CPUs are rather under-utilized
resources in most workstations.


|David Gilbert, Velocet Communications.       | Two things can only be     |
|Mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]             |  equal if and only if they |
|http://daveg.ca                              |   are precisely opposite.  |
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