On Sun, Mar 16, 2003 at 04:32:48PM -0700, Nate Williams wrote:
> > What is the status of Perforce in the FreeBSD project?  Is the issue the
> > absence of a "p4up"?  Licensing?  Inertia?
> See the archives for a more thorough discussion, but I believe the
> licensing is the biggest issue.  If we moved to use commercial software,
> it would make our development much more difficult for the average
> developer to track our progress.

I think one only needs to take a look at the Linux community and the
situation they have found themselves in wrt to BitKeeper to understand
the risks associated with making a project dependent on commercial
source control.  Even if our license with Perforce were rather liberal,
without access to the Perforce source code we are leaving a lot of
things to chance.  What happens if Perforce folds or discontinues their
source control product?  Are our bits forever trapped inside a p4 repo
which is dependent on binaries which may eventually cease working with
our ABI and/or APIs and require a compatibility layer?  What if we port
to new platforms which Perforce doesn't offer binaries for (or even
worse, they've folded and we can no longer get new binaries)?  I think
we have an opportunity to learn from the mistakes Linux has made here
and we'd be foolish not to.

It is important to note that CVS and Perforce are nowhere near the only
options available in this space.  In fact, CVS is not the only open
source product out there.  I think FreeBSD would be wise to consider a
move to Subversion[0] when it reaches release, as it fixes most of the
bugs and complaints about CVS while following POLA.  svn(1) works pretty
much like cvs(1) and that's a Good Thing<tm>.  For a full discussion of
the various SCMs available, both open source and proprietary, see Rick
Moen's listing of them[1].

[0] - http://subversion.tigris.org/
[1] - http://linuxmafia.com/~rick/linux-info/scm.html

Brandon D. Valentine
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 http://www.geekpunk.net
Pseudo-Random Googlism:  valentine is currently undertaking an esrc funded
                         research project into living on the edge

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