Hi Pawel,

Thank you very much for your wonderful work !

> Nice work, I'm wondering if something will be ever commited:)

Of course it will be committed ! But many of us are rather
busy, that explains why you don't get instant feedback sometimes.

And I really really think that you need a mentor to be able to
be a src committer. I'll ask whoever I can.

> Better solution is created separated memory zones for main host and every
> jail, look at my patch agains 5.0-CURRENT:
>       http://garage.freebsd.pl/privipc.tbz=20
>       http://garage.freebsd.pl/privipc.README

Ehrm. This patch is still against STABLE. Can you make a version
for 5.X (shouldn't be that hard) which we can review and commit ?

Can you change your homepage to reflect which parts are for 4.X and
5.X ? Cool homepage btw, many cool patches on it ;)

About the patch:

-  "$FreeBSD: src/usr.bin/ipcs/ipcs.c,v 2001/07/30 10:16:41 dd Exp $";
+  "$FreeBSD$";

You don't need to do that. It is automatically done by cvs. Just leave
the lines there.

I'll test it this evening on a old STABLE box.


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