Matthew Dillon wrote:
>     The "vga" driver works in low resolution modes.  The "vesa" driver
>     does not work.  Via has a linux driver on their CD for X, called "via",
>     which linux people seem to be using successfully, but I can't find
>     sources anywhere.  I don't understand why these companies don't just
>     include sources for their X drivers, it would make life so much easier.

The do not because then people could leverage their work by
building hardware which does not license anything from them,
but operates compatably.  The same reason Adaptec developed
their "HIM" layer, to prevent people from using Adaptec SCSI
drivers with non-Adaptec hardware, and getting all the work
they did to get the driver into the Windows base OS, for free.

Basically, it's done to amortize non-recurring non-developement
related collateral business costs.

Or, if you're Diamond, it's done because you hired an EE to
do your firmware instead of a software engineer, and a third
party driver could cause your hardware or an external monitor
to explode.  8-).

-- Terry

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