Sorry folks,

I don't know, who this mathew dillon guy really is, or how important he is
for the FreeBSD project, but I don't think, he should be on any of the
freebsd mailing lists or any related facilities, if he just can't keep
with some of the most basic rules of communication. It may be "adequate"
or something like normal in irc channels or even usenet groups - although
it should not - to behave this childish way, but I think at least on the
freebsd mailing lists, there should be a little standard of etiquette or
what it's called.

I know I am not the first one thinking this way, the replies will probably
be the same as every time before.

Please accept my apologizes if I should hit the wrong person, but someone
really does not behave in a acceptable way here and I just wanted to
complain about it, to let people know, that freebsd-* is no place for
private quarrels or neuroses.


sorry for my bad english, etc, I'm new to freebsd/unix/bla etc,

a very disappointed bsd fan

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