On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Garance A Drosihn wrote: > I happen to be updating my system tonight, so when it came to the > mergemaster step I first modified the script.
Cool... contrary to popular opinion, I do like UI feedback. :) > I added: > -I '$FreeBSD:.*$' > to the 'diff ${DIFF_FLAG}' command in diff_loop, and it seems to have > worked the way I wanted it to work. How did you want it to work? (This isn't a rhetorical question.) I also think it's unlikely that you'd run into a version-string only diff in a recent current -> recent current upgrade. It's these that are the chief problem I'm concerned about. > From my skimming of the script, I do not see how this change would cause > problems for any other processing. However, it's possible I'm missing > something. What do you think mm should do if the only diff between two files is the cvs ID? This comes up inside a branch if a change is checked in, then backed out. Of course, it happens a lot when upgrading from 4 to 5 for example. > If so, my gut reaction is that if a lot of FreeBSD users are requesting > this, then we should figure out how to make it happen -- one way or > another. The request I actually get is that if the only diff is the cvs ID, that mm should do <X various things> with it. Most commonly, just install the file (which I'm opposed to on principle, and by fundamental mm design). Trying to deal rationally with this scenario is why I'd have to add at least one more diff to the process. 1. Are the cvs id's different? 2. If so, is that the only difference? <--- new 3. If cvs ID is not the only diff, display that to the user. > I suppose we should also change the 'absolute diff first' part to > include that, or people will be asked about merging a file, only > to be shown a file which apparently has zero changes. I'm sorry, I don't understand exactly what you're getting at here. > I'd also note that the separator line (=====) is usually scrolled > off the window for me. Not much point to a good eye-catching line > if the line is usually not on the screen. That's actually a good thing. The ==== is for those cases where a diff is smaller than one screenful. It was requested by users to give more visual definition to that scenario, and also make logs of mm sessions easier to parse. Passing it to PAGER when the diff already fills a page is a waste of screen space. Doug To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message