On Sun, Jan 05, 2003 at 01:13:33PM +0300, Dmitry Morozovsky wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Jan 2003, M. Warner Losh wrote:
> MWL> : CD-ROM is not what I would call a reliable media.  May I suggest
> MWL> : booting from the network (PXE) or booting from a hard disk and
> MWL> : mounting the partitions read-only?
> MWL>
> MWL> It is usually the case that solid-state media, properly configured, is
> MWL> more reliable.  CF cards have a TrueIDE mode that allows them to be
> MWL> accessed as a disk on the IDE bus.  Timing Solutions uses this
> MWL> technology in all its embedded systems and we've noticed a huge
> MWL> reduction in RMAs from the previous generation of systems with IDE
> MWL> hard disks in them.
> MWL>
> MWL> I'd suspect that cdrom drives will break more often than hard disks in
> MWL> harsh environments.
> Well, while I'd certainly agree with you regarding reliability (BTW, how many
> _read_ cycles do contemporary flashdisks support?), there is at least one major
> question: where to boot from? especially in the case of standalone
> moving-parts-free router ;-)
You can boot from CompactFlash cards, they behave like IDE drives.

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