In debugging a new SCSI driver for 4.7-RELEASE on a SMP machine, there
is a panic I'm trying to understand. I found a comment in
sys/i386/include/globaldata.h that says

 * SMP_PRIVPAGES: The per-cpu address space is 0xff80000 -> 0xffbfffff

The panic I see on the console prints

Fatal double fault:
eip = 0xc037383c
esp = 0xff78fd44
ebp = 0xff80fd70
mp_lock = 01000001; cpuid = 1; = 00000000

Assuming the first value in the comment is missing a trailing zero,
does the value of esp above indicate that CPU #1's stack overflowed?
Is this an interrupt (exception?) stack? If so, where does it start
and how big is it? Tnx!

The particulars:
- machine is a SuperMicro with 2 Pentium 4's and hyper-threading enabled
- code is 4.7-RELEASE
- configuration diffs vs GENERIC
! #cpu          I386_CPU
! #cpu          I486_CPU
! #cpu          I586_CPU
  cpu           I686_CPU
! ident         SMP
! makeoptions   DEBUG=-g
! options       DDB
! options       GDB_REMOTE_CHAT
! options       BREAK_TO_DEBUGGER
! options       CONSPEED=115200
! options       INVARIANTS
! options       INVARIANT_SUPPORT
! options       SMP                     # Symmetric MultiProcessor Kernel
! options       APIC_IO                 # Symmetric (APIC) I/O
! device                sio0    at isa? port IO_COM1 flags 0x90 irq 4

Chuck Tuffli    <chuck_tuffli AT NO_SPAM agilent DOT com>
Agilent Technologies, Storage and Networking

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