On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 12:00:57PM +0000, Olafur Osvaldsson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm having some problems with seting the locale on 5.0 wich I have set
> up on sparc hardware...I'm pretty sure this is not sparc related but if
> so please correct me.
> When run on the 5.0 system:
> # ./locale-test is_IS.ISO8859-1
> setlocale(LC_ALL, "is_IS.ISO8859-1") returns: (null)
> setlocale(LC_TIME, "is_IS.ISO8859-1") returns: is_IS.ISO8859-1
> Testing: [???????]

FWIW, I can reproduce this on panther.FreeBSD.org, a sparc64 running
5.0-CURRENT as of December 6, 2001.  All the other machines in the
FreeBSD cluster that I could test - ref5 (i386), pluto1 (IA-64), and
beast (alpha) - are able to set both the is_IS.ISO8859-1 and the
bg_BG.CP1251 locales correctly for both LC_ALL and LC_TIME.  Only the
sparc64 machine is having trouble setting LC_ALL for any locale I tried.


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