I opened a bug report with the perl people, and I got back the following
response from Slaven Rezic:

] This does not seem to be a problem in 5.8.0's Sys::Syslog. According
] to the documentation, by default the types tcp, udp, unix, stream,    
] console are tried in order. It also seems to work on my FreeBSD 4.7   
] system (syslogd is started with -s flag) without specifying
] setlogsock().

Perl 5.8 does not seem to be a part of 4.x, is it in 5.0 or

       Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at http://www.ufp.org/~bicknell/
Read TMBG List - [EMAIL PROTECTED], www.tmbg.org

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