Hi all.

If this isn't the right forum, please excuse me, and direct me to the
correct group.

Has anyone managed to hack a recent Mozilla release (say, 1.0 or later)
to do async/threaded DNS lookups? Since gethostbyname() and related
functions are in libc_r, I'm assuming it's doable.

I've studied the configure scripts and tried a few hacks to them, tried
the patch on Buzilla (http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=70213),
and a few other things, to no avail.

It appears to be a NSPR thang, and threading is supported on AIX and OSF.
as those systems do, don't seem to have any effect. Setting up the use
of libc_r.h (after changing the appropriate function names in it) creates
compile problems that lead me to believe that's the wrong approach.

Has anyone pulled this off? I'm d*mn tired of waiting on a DNS lookup of
toolbar.aol.com when at www.cnn.com. My local DNS server responds as I
would expect with nslookup, so it isn't a local bind thang.

I can't imagine what Moz is doing within it's DNS code, even with the
serialized DNS lookups. If nslookup replies within fractions of a second,
why doesn't Moz??

All-too-common caveat: I'm not subscribed, so please CC me in replies to
the group (or visa-versa).


  ______________________                         ______________________
  \__________________   \    D. J. HAWKEY JR.   /   __________________/
     \________________/\     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    /\________________/

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