On Sun, Dec 08, 2002 at 11:45:22PM -0600, Dan Nelson wrote:
>In the last episode (Dec 08), [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
>> Hi all
>> How can i make a tail -f <file> and show the results in a web page with
>> out having to reload the page every N seconds
>> i am using PHP in a script like:
>> <?php
>> $error_log = '/var/log/apache/log';
>> passthru ("tail -f  $error_log");
>> ?>
>The following 3-line CGI works fine:
>#! /bin/sh
>printf "Content-type: text/plain\r\n\r\n"
>tail -f /var/log/messages

Unfortunatly if you try that your webserver will quickly fail because
the connection never closes. If your customers can create cgi scripts
they can bring down your server too.

How fast depends on httpd.conf MaxSpareServers, and how quickly you hit

// George

GEORGE GEORGALIS, System Admin/Architect    cell: 347-451-8229 
Security Services, Web, Mail,            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Multimedia, DB, DNS and Metrics.       http://www.galis.org/george 

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