On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 18:42, Michael Reifenberger wrote:
> are there experiences with backup/restore of an bootable w2k
> partition from within FreeBSD?
> I've seen `newfs_msdos -B`, but how to extract the w2k bootblock (dd?) ?
> Is it sufficient to get an bootable partition?
I think you'll have trouble unless you backup and restore the extra bits
(system, hidden, archive) as well.

I wrote a patch for msdosfs which maps these to suid/sgid/sticky (yes, I
know, gross, but it was useful at the time). You can have it if you

Daniel O'Connor software and network engineer
for Genesis Software - http://www.gsoft.com.au
"The nice thing about standards is that there
are so many of them to choose from."
  -- Andrew Tanenbaum
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