On 20-Nov-2002 Ryan Sommers wrote:
> First off I wasn't sure which list to send this to: current, hackers or
> questions; so if this is the wrong destination my apologies.
> Anyway, last year, after years of using Linux, I fell in love with the
> FreeBSD project. Now, I've had the desire offer my time and energy to
> help development. My problem though is I only have 3 machines where I'm
> currently living, 2 desktops and a laptop. I have to leave Windows
> installed on one desktop for compatibility and I'd like to leave the
> other desktop running 4.x so I have a UNIX computer that I know will
> always be working. That leaves me with the laptop to play with 5.0 and
> CURRENT. However, the laptop is a puny Cyrix P180+ (I think it's the
> MediaGX chip or whatever they were touting a few years back). Doing a
> make world or building a kernel would probably take me two weeks, not
> the best environment for development. 
> My question is could I keep and build the CURRENT source tree on the
> FreeBSD desktop, mount it over NFS to the laptop, and install it over
> the NFS mount? I know I can do that with 4.x, but I'm wondering if this
> is really testing CURRENT if I don't build it on the 5.0 kernel. For now
> I really don't think I'll be able to help much with writing anything too
> intense; however I noticed in the latest 5.0 release notes that people
> have been converting Perl scripts to C and I'm more then capable of
> doing that. And I also think the laptop, even though it is slow would be
> a usable platform for working on that kind of development.
This should work fine (doing installworld over NFS).  You might want to
do the initial install on the laptop using a CD or floppies to install DP2

> What are your thoughts on this setup; is it worth my time or should I
> just sit idly by until I can get a desktop system to play with CURRENT.
> I have a little free time and about 7 years experience programming C in
> Linux and UNIX (peanuts compared to most people reading this I imagine)
> but I'd like to help a cause I believe in.

Just using 5.0 will help find some bugs I'm sure. :)


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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