On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, David Gilbert wrote:

> >>>>> "Terry" == Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Terry> By "it", I guess you mean "FreeBSD"?
> Terry> What are your performance goals?
> Right now, I'd like to see 500 to 600 kpps.
> Terry> Where is FreeBSD relative to those goals, right now, without
> Terry> you doing anything to it?
> Without any work, we got 75 kpps.
> Terry> Where is FreeBSD relative to those goals, right now, if you
> Terry> tune it very carefully, but don't hack any code?
> With a few patches, including polling and some tuning, we got 150 to
> 200 kpps.
> Note that we've been focusing on pps, not Mbs.  With 100M cards (what
> we're currently using) we want to focus on getting the routing speed
> up.
> One of the largest problems we've found with GigE adapters on FreeBSD
> is that their pps ability (never mind the volume of data) is less than
> half that of the fxp driver.

This is intriguing. I have found with Samba that I am able to achieve 
approx 100MB/s read from cache with 1500B frame sizes (ie, no jumbo 
frames) over a BCM5701 on an 850 MHz PIII with FreeBSD 4.3 and similar 
rates from em0 on a 2GHz P4 with 4.6. Both results were with 1500B frames 
and considerable free CPU (50% on the 850MHz PIII).

However, given that they were full 1500B frames (99%), at least in one 
direction, perhaps that does not count.

[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.richardsharpe.com

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