Julian Elischer wrote:
> Also look at ng_etf the ethertype filter..
> it is designed to connect to an ether node and filter out packets
> with a particular ethertype. yuo could alter it to examine for a
> particular tcp port number too.
[ ... ]

A more interesting problem is how to hook an address family to a
netgraph node.

> One possibility I am looking at is adding a netgraph hook onto ipfw
> so one could grab a packet on ipfw and force it out to a netgraph hook.

This would be moderately useful.  Another alternative would be to
provide a means of hooking all input from a particular ethernet card
into the netgraph framework, and run the machine with multiple
ethernet cards -- one for the normal stack, and one for the alternate

Another method is to use an alternate (fictitious) protocol family
and therefore ethertype that's a duplicate of the TCP stack, and do
the processing there, instead.  This is also rather trivial.

-- Terry

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