I sent this to freebsd-questions a few minutes ago.. if anyone here can
help too I'd really be indebted :-)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Avleen Vig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 4 Nov 2002 09:56:36 +0000 (GMT)
Subject: Panic: ffs_clusteralloc: map mismatch

Maybe a question for freebsd-hackers.. not sure..

FreeBSD 4.4, P166, 128Mb, 3 HD's: ad0, ad1, ad4, as ata0-master,
ata1-master and ata2-master. ata2-master is a Promise ata 100 controller
(tx2 I think).

For several months my server has been panicing, and I'm starting to think
it's a bad harddrive. I don't believe it's bad code (although I guess it
could be). I really need help in finding the drive responsible so that I
can replace it, but my debugging skills are limited to what I've learnt
from the OnLamp kernel debugging lesson :-)

I'd really appreciate it if someone could look over the crash dump output
below and let me know how I might be able to find out what write was
attempted when the server paniced. I have the last 4 crash dumps saved so
I can go back and look for matches in consistancy too. Also running a
debugging kernel but the code was last CVSUp'd about 8 months ago.

If it is a bad drive, I plan to replace it with 4.7-RELEASE.

#0  dumpsys () at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:473
#1  0xc0142f17 in boot (howto=256) at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:313
#2  0xc01432fd in panic (fmt=0xc0210e20 "ffs_clusteralloc: map mismatch")
    at ../../kern/kern_shutdown.c:581
#3  0xc019ddd1 in ffs_clusteralloc (ip=0xc198c800, cg=1, bpref=0, len=13)
    at ../../ufs/ffs/ffs_alloc.c:1190
#4  0xc019d1b2 in ffs_hashalloc (ip=0xc198c800, cg=0, pref=8, size=13,
    allocator=0xc019dba8 <ffs_clusteralloc>) at
#5  0xc019cbd7 in ffs_reallocblks (ap=0xc9de2dc4) at
#6  0xc016d096 in cluster_write (bp=0xc3ccd5d8, filesize=106496,
    at vnode_if.h:1077
#7  0xc01a899e in ffs_write (ap=0xc9de2e68) at
#8  0xc0177b46 in vn_write (fp=0xc15ba880, uio=0xc9de2ed8,
cred=0xc1ac7700, flags=0,
    p=0xc9856d00) at vnode_if.h:363
#9  0xc01518e5 in dofilewrite (p=0xc9856d00, fp=0xc15ba880, fd=3,
    nbyte=8192, offset=-1, flags=0) at ../../sys/file.h:162
#10 0xc015179e in write (p=0xc9856d00, uap=0xc9de2f80) at
#11 0xc01f07e1 in syscall2 (frame={tf_fs = 47, tf_es = 47, tf_ds = 47,
      tf_edi = 135663616, tf_esi = 672134208, tf_ebp = -1077945820, tf_isp
= -908185644,
      tf_ebx = 672060612, tf_edx = 672134208, tf_ecx = 0, tf_eax = 4,
tf_trapno = 0,
      tf_err = 2, tf_eip = 672014432, tf_cs = 31, tf_eflags = 659, tf_esp
= -1077945864,
      tf_ss = 47}) at ../../i386/i386/trap.c:1155
#12 0xc01e41c5 in Xint0x80_syscall ()

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