> You might want to give that a bit of thought.  IBM, while producing OK
> scsi disks, has had a really terrible headache getting reliability into
> their IDE products.  Additionally, IBM just sold their entire hard disk
> product line to some other company.  I don't know if that had anything to
> do with their well-publicized IDE reliability problems or not, but I'd
> fight shy of any IBM IDE disks, in any app which requires any kind of
> stability.
> If you don't care about reliability, tho, there are some good deals I've
> seen on those disks, tho ... being dumped in mass cheaply.  Again, this
> has nothing to do with their scsi disks, which are just fine.
I'd probably steer clear of the western digital drives as well. Yes the
8MB cache that some of them have DOES make a difference, but from personal
experience, the drives themselves don't last that long. So in short, what
good is a fast hard-drive if it's just going to break faster too?


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