On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 11:49:22AM +0000, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> Baldur Gislason wrote:
> >I agree, that would be a nice feature in usbd, but a workaround to gain 
> >the same functionality would be:
> >
> >attach "/usr/sbin/moused `/usr/bin/perl -e 'while(<>) { $foo = $_ . $foo; 
> >} if($foo =~ /^moused_flags="(.*?)"$/im) { print $1; }' < /etc/rc.conf` -p 
> >/dev/${DEVNAME} -I /var/run/moused.${DEVNAME}.pid"
> Why not just:
>   attach ". /etc/rc.conf; /usr/bin/moused ${moused_flags} -p 
> /dev/${DEVNAME} -I /var/run/moused.${DEVNAME}.pid"
> (untested)

This had better be ". /etc/defaults/rc.conf; source_rc_confs; ..." :)

I have been thinking for quite some time of writing a little utility
that parses various configuration file mechanisms and allows the
administrator to specify which config mechanism to use for which
program.  I have a simple design in mind, which would allow direct
variable setting, use of /etc/rc.conf, use of other configuration files,
use of daemontools-style envdirs, and a couple of others, but so far,
there has been no time to actually start writing a simple
proof-of-concept thing.  Funny now, the timing; I was thinking of
writing up a simple rcenv(1) today or tomorrow, and then I saw this
thread :)


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