On Fri, 25 Oct 2002, Paul Schenkeveld wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 25, 2002 at 11:57:59AM -0500, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:
> >
> > I'm not near my FreeBSD machines at this moment but this weekend I'll
> > hack up the necessary patch if nobody else bothers.  Probably better to
> > call it something less ambigious like X11_LISTEN_TCP or similar so those
> > who want to put it in make.conf don't incur namespace ambiguity and
> > possible collision with other ports that might use similar make
> > variables with different semantic meaning.  WITH_TCP doesn't have the
> > same sort of global meaning that WITH_GNOME does.
> May I suggest WITH_STARTX_TCP ?
> My $0.02

If I have any input it'll be WITH_X11_TCP or X11_LISTEN_TCP or similar.
If the upstream xdm is fixed to turn off listen_tcp by default we'll
want one flag to turn the behavior back on for both xdm and startx so
naming the make variable startx would only serve to obscure it from xdm
users (myself included).

Brandon D. Valentine
http://www.geekpunk.net                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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