On Fri, Oct 11, 2002 at 01:41:00AM +0200, Guido Van Hoecke wrote:
> I installed 4.7 in a free partition on a machine that has a Lilo 
> configuration to boot either Win2K or Mandrake 8.2.
> After installing the FreeBsd Boot Manager, I get following options:
> F1 ??
> F2 Linux
> F3 ??
> F4 FreeBSD
> F4 works and F1 boots into Win2K.
> F2 and F3 beep at me but do not boot anything.
> Please tell me how I can correct this and boot mandrake linux from this 
> menu. At least until FreeBSD knows how to handle my SIS900 network card, 
> I do need Mandrake!!!

Do NOT install FreeBSD bootmanager into MBR unless you have LILO installed
into partition (hda2(1?) in your situation)!

Now you can repare Mandrake booting using Linux fixit disk. Reinstall LILO
and all will be just fine.

To learn more, please see Chapter 9 of the FAQ.

Best Regards,

Serg N. Voronkov,
Sibitex JSC,
Tyumen, Russia

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