On Thu, Sep 26, 2002 at 07:50:36PM +0100, Josef Karthauser wrote:
> It took a while to find, but this is the hack I was referring to:
> Take a look at /sys/compat/linux/linux_stats.c,
Thanks for taking the effort for looking this up.
However, the function in question - newstat_copyout - is not in 'action'
here. (had set a breakpoint in ddb)

It's still unclear to me what recent change broke vmware.

The removal of block devices Julian referred to is not something recent,
is it?

I mentioned earlier to you that I am writing a linux_read system call.
This will basicly work, as long as I will be able to do the following (in
pseudo code):

linux_read(readsize) {
    if (read_is_on_raw_device)
        readlen = (readlen % BLOCKSIZE) + BLOCKSIZE; 
        /* or something like this plus some other mangling of the buffer

The only thing I have to find out is the check to see whether it is a read
on a raw device or not. I strongly prefer to do the check in linux_read
and not in the disk layer code. (It would be easier, but not cleaner)


Mark Santcroos                          RIPE Network Coordination Centre
http://www.ripe.net/home/mark/          New Projects Group/TTM

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