On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Alfred Perlstein wrote:

> * Daniel Eischen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [020918 18:40] wrote:
> > On Wed, 18 Sep 2002, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > Ok, any of you guys have a copy of the standards documents that
> > > describe the sem_* API?
> > > 
> > > I have a question...
> > > 
> > > What are the semantics of the sem_init when pshared is set to true?
> > > 
> > > Like, if the process that created the semaphore exits, then what?
> > > Is it only valid for the life of the process that did the sem_init?
> > > Or am I going to have to do some nastyness to record the memory
> > > location where the semaphore is and track that page's allocation?
> > 
> > My take on the spec is that as long as the semaphore can be
> > accessed by other processes, then it remains perfectly valid
> > regardless of whether the originating process exited or not.
> > 
> > Here's a sem_init() blurb from Austin Draft 6:
> > 
> >   "If the pshared argument has a non-zero value, then the
> >    semaphore is shared between processes; in this case, any
> >    process that can access the semaphore sem can use sem for
> >    performing sem_wait(), sem_trywait(), sem_post(), and
> >    sem_destroy() operations."
> > 
> > The sem_close() and sem_unlink() man pages make it even clearer
> > that it has to remain around.
> Wait, see, you're confusing named and un-named semaphores.

Yes, but it doesn't change what the spec says above.  It's
implying that any process can perform sem_destroy() on it and
the spec also says for sem_init() that "This semaphore shall
remain usable until the semaphore is destroyed.".

So the sem_init()'ing process can exit and leave the destroying
to one of the other processes that have access to it.

> I've got the named ones all set, it's the un-named ones I'm having
> trouble with.
> The only valid operations on un-named semaphores are:
> sem_init - to create it
> sem_wait/sem_trywait - to wait on it
> sem_destroy - to destroy it
> now here's the problem, one can basically stick a sem_t into a shared
> memory location, then one can share it amongst processes (provided
> pshared was set).  However there's no requirement that these other
> processes do any form of "open" on the sem_t, hence I really have no
> way of tracking its usage other than by:
> a) auto-terminating it when the process that did sem_init exits.
> b) tracking the page where the actual sem_t was created until either
>    it is reclaimed via sem_destroy or the page is free'd back to the
>    OS.
> Unless I'm missing something here.

The semaphore remains active until it is destroyed.  If you don't
want to track its page, can you hook it into ipcrm(1)?

Dan Eischen

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