On Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 06:35:24PM +0200, Paolo wrote:
> Hi all!
>       I need to administer remotely a bunch of freebsd boxes. I would
> be very useful to have access to the output of the rc scripts to see, for
> example, if a cvsup session has worked correctly...
> Is it there an option to force logging the output of the rc scripts?
> Would it be useful if I started working on the subject?

I believe that, in general, 'dmesg -a' should do what you want.  A quick
and easy solution, off the top of my head, would be to add an
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/ZZZZZZZZ.savemessages.sh script, which does
something like dmesg -a > /var/log/dmesg-afterboot.log or the like.


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