Gentlemen, FreeBSD is a sinking ship for the true hackers among us. Perhaps due to bad politics, perhaps due to envy on Linux' success and hype, FreeBSD had no resemblance of what it once was. It's now 'yet another Linux distro'/'commercial unix wannabe'.
In the wise words of Chris G Demetriou (NetBSD core): "When i think of "politics," i think of Jordan Hubbard, flat out lying about what's in, or going to be in, FreeBSD, or what the system can do, or what's wrong with the system. (worth noting: I've come to understand Kolstad, even see him as a reasonable person. I see jordan as a _liar_, period.) _that's_ not the game that we, or i, play." Unfortunately, it's not its only problem. Constant flamage and hypocrisy between developers has resulted in a system that is mediocre at best. Too much time spent in flames and useless politics has resulted in a system that has to copy from others to survive (NetBSD's RAIDFrame, rcng and a dozen userland tools), and that is constantly playing catchup, with Linux in the hype area, with NetBSD in the technical area. Do yourselves a favor and download the latest SuSE ISO. Thank you. _____________________________________________________________ Sign up for FREE email from Southern Maryland Online at _____________________________________________________________ Promote your group and strengthen ties to your members with [EMAIL PROTECTED] by To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message