At 4:49 PM +0100 7/2/02, Byron Schlemmer wrote:
>I've posted on this before, and I've received no reply. I'm
>cross-posting just in case it was missed before (I am desperate for
>help) and to ask for further advice.
>Basically we have a number of FreeBSD servers, running 4.5-RELEASE
>and 4.6-RELEASE, that use AMI MegaRaid 500 controllers. These boxes
>refuse to reboot when sent a reboot or shutdown -r. They simply
>close all processes and show :
>amr0: flushing cache...done
>At this point the numlock key is locked, and Ctrl + Alt + Deleting
>does nothing.

This will not help much, but I can at least say that I have noticed
your messages go by.  Unfortunately I have no experience with any
raid controllers under freebsd.  If you made it successfully to the
"Rebooting..." line, then I think it's at the point that freebsd
has done everything it expected to do, and freebsd has told the
hardware to reboot.

I do not know why the hardware wouldn't reboot at that point.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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