Evening all ...

        I have a 4gig Dual CPU system that is giving me kernel panic's ...
Doug White suggested getting a trace, but, alas, not figuring I'd ever
need to do such, my swap looks like:

jupiter# pstat -s
Device          1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Type
/dev/amrd0s1b      524160   169116   355044    32%    Interleaved
/dev/ramrd1s1b    2621312   168992  2452320     6%    Interleaved
Total             3145472   338108  2807364    11%

        So nothing large enough for a dumpdev ...

        I do have a file system that has 8gig free on it right now:

/dev/amrd1s1a  66972328 54742133 8211856    87%    /v1

        But, reading through the 'dumpon' man page, it says not to use a
device that has a file system on it ...

        The server itself is both remote, and production, which makes
using DDB near impossible ...

        So, how do ppl go about doing such a dump in a case like this, or
am I totally out of luck on this?  Is there any way of using that 8gig for

Thanks ...

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