On Thu, May 16, 2002 at 04:22:19PM +0200, Karsten W. Rohrbach wrote:
> Attila Nagy([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2002.05.16 13:50:02 +0000:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > > In theory, you could use ports/sysutils/daemontools/, specifically the
> > > 'supervise' utility.  I have been thinking about setting up a jail using
> > > a supervised service for some time now, never had the time to actually
> > > sit down and do it, though..
> > It works OK with services that don't go to background.
> fghack, included in daemontools, makes backgrounding daemons running
> bound in the foreground, at the expense of FDs. just a sidenote.

Yeah, well, I thought of fghack too; the problem is that jail(8)
does not leave a daemon to supervise at all..  All that jail(8)
does is start a process in the jail specified, then exit when
that process dies; and if the command executed is '/bin/sh /etc/rc',
it finishes as soon as all the daemons are started.

Okay, forget I said anything about supervise; it does not seem to be
applicable for jails at all :(


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