The fixed version is not up yet, I will be posting it tomorrow.  I have
confirmed that the networking timeouts if you were having them, have been
fixed.  (By updating to a new version of the networking layer).

Rayson Ho wrote:
> Someone on this list emailed me about a problem in the distributed
> folding client a while ago...
> Howard has an updated version, can people having problems with it try
> to see if it fixes the problem or not?
> Also, I don't have access to the source of the client.
> Rayson
> P.S. Here's his message:
> BSD Networking bug fix
> I have a new version of the networking library which seems to have
> fixed the timeouts people were experiencing on FreeBSD. Can someone
> please e-mail me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and Ill send you the version.
> Once it is confirmed that this fixes the bug (and doesnt introduce new
> ones..) Ill post it on the web site officially. Thanks.
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