On 11-May-2002 Terry Lambert wrote:
> I don't understand the "YES"/"NO" thing, then.  There is one byte
> difference in the file length, which I don't think can be properly
> accounted, if you do the "YES"/"NO" thing.
He could make it NES for all it matters.

Terry, please see that Gordon isn't trying to reimplement Whistle's nextboot.

Personally, I'm tired of missing the window in the loader to boot a test
kernel, so what I want is to do 'nextboot foo -s' to boot /boot/foo/kernel
into single user mode on the next boot and fall back to /boot/kernel/kernel
on the next boot after that.

>> > Don't assume that the nextboot file will be on the same disk and/or
>> > partition as the boot and other config file code.
>> Well, I'm assuming it's on the root partition. It would be kinda silly for
>> it to anywhere else.
> Not really.  Consider that if I switch root partitions, then, by
> definition, I switch nextboot files.
> Basically, the InterJet was laid out:

Repeat after me: This nextboot != Interjet nextboot.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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