Alright, so I got tired of trying to figure out if glibc is doing something wierd or wrong so I downloaded the source for it, and I'm looking at it now... (for version 2.2.2 which is what we have on FreeBSD's linux_base-7) and here's what I'm seeing:
pushl %ebp pushl %ebx pushl %esi pushl %edi movl OFFLO(%esp), %edx movl OFFHI(%esp), %ecx testl $0xfff, %edx jne L(einval) shrdl $12, %ecx, %edx /* mmap2 takes the offset in pages. */ shrl $12, %ecx jne L(einval) movl %edx, %ebp So above I'm seeing the offset arg get into register %ebp, which is what we expect... movl ADDR(%esp), %ebx movl LEN(%esp), %ecx movl PROT(%esp), %edx movl FLAGS(%esp), %esi movl FD(%esp), %edi Then I'm seeing all the other args getting put into the registers they belong in... (which matches up with our linux_prepsyscall() function) movl $SYS_ify(mmap2), %eax /* System call number in %eax. */ /* Do the system call trap. */ L(do_syscall): int $0x80 Now I'm seeing the int 0x80 trap.... /* Restore registers. */ popl %edi popl %esi popl %ebx popl %ebp So, as far as I can tell, this version of glibc is doing the Right Thing, and the ebp register is getting messed up somewhere along the line in either the assembly code that handles the 0x80 trap in FreeBSD, or in syscall2 (I think it's probably the asm that handles the 0x80 trap)... Can anyone confirm this? Ken To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-hackers" in the body of the message