In local.freebsd-hackers, you wrote:
> Speaking of idprio... I liked the good old days (3.x) when you didn't have
> to be root to use the command.  Given that idprio can be used to raise
> priorities as well as lower them, I can see the point of having some
> restrictions, but shouldn't it be possible to structure the code such that a
> non-root user can lower but not raise the priority on a process they own?
It's in the "BUGS" section:

Under FreeBSD system calls are currently never preempted, therefore non-
     realtime processes can starve realtime processes, or idletime processes
     can starve normal priority processes.
Wonderful \hbox (0.80312pt too nice) in paragraph at lines 16--18
Volker Stolz * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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