> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #define MALLOC_SIZE 1024*1024*256
> int main(int argc, char **argv) {
>    char *ptr;
>    int i, i_count;
>    int j;
>    ptr = (char *) malloc(MALLOC_SIZE);
>    bzero(ptr, MALLOC_SIZE);

The bzero is unnecessary on FreeBSD.  Allocated pages start out
zero'ed.  Part of the performance issue might be that FreeBSD is
being asked to zero the pages twice, instead of once.

>    i_count = MALLOC_SIZE / 16;
>    fprintf(stderr, "*");
>    for (i = 0; i < i_count; i ++) {
>        ptr[i >> 4] = ptr[(i >> 3) + 1]++;
Is this what was intended?  This will keep the lvalue in the
first 256th of memory, and the rvalue in the first half.

>    }
>    fprintf(stderr, "#");
>    for (j = 0; j < i_count; j ++) {
>        ptr[j << 4] = ptr[(j >> 3) + 1]++;
>    }

This looks more right... the lvalue hits every page, and the
rvalue is (still) limited to the first half of memory.

>    free(ptr);

Try just exiting; free() might be trying to be too clever
on FreeBSD.  Doing the same on both platforms should not
invalidate the test.

>    return 0;
> }

It might be more interesting to mmap() anonymous memory
(e.g. out of /dev/zero), rather than using malloc, and
then use that memory the same way, instead (it's swap
backed, as well).  Giving it an madvise, to tell it your
intended access pattern would also be useful.

I'm also not sure if the Linux VM "prefers" code pages to
data pages.  It could very well be the case that it does;
that would result in a potentiall much better performance
on this test.  It would also be useful to know the relative
load addresses in the code; FreeBSD might end up having the
code compiled to be split across cache lines, etc, where
the Linux version of the code does not.

As other people pointed out, the "speed" of the swap
partition is also potentially an issue.  Make sure that
FreBSD and Linux are using the same region relative to the
drive spindle for swap.

In addition, you should verify that the hardware is, in
fact, identical.  The easiest way to do this would be to
swap drives in the machines to see if the affects the results,
and -- while they are out -- verify that the drives themselves
are as identical as possible.

You might also want to turn *off* the FreeBSD "harvesting
entropy", if it's doing it on disk interrupts or other
interrupts inportant to the code path.

If all this still has the FreeBSD slower, it still,
unfortunately, isn't conclusive, one way or the other; it
could still be that what you are testing is not the swap
performance of FreeBSD, but, perhaps, the differences in
the disk device drivers for the particular controller you
ended up with in the motherboard lottery.

It would also be useful to see the verbose dmesg output
for both systems for the devices involved in the test code
path.  It may be that FreeBSD is working around a known
controller issue (e.g. the CMD640B IDE controller), etc.,
where interleaved I/O's are being permitted by Linux, but
not by FreeBSD, for fear of data corruption.

Finally... you might want to try the Linux version of the
program on FreeBSD, rather than using a native FreeBSD
version.  THis should account for many things, including
the sync'ing of mapping regions, if that's a factor.

All this information is useless to me personally; please
post to the list, if you post at all, thanks.

-- Terry

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