At 21.2.2002, Leo Bicknell wrote:
>In a message written on Wed, Feb 20, 2002 at 10:19:01PM -0600, Mike Meyer 
> > Not necessarily. The client is free, and in the ports tree.  That
> > includes the server with an evaluation license, which limits it to two
> > clients and two users. Perforce offers Open Source software projects
> > free multiuser - which means unlimited clients - licenses. See <URL:
> > > and search for "open
> > source" on the page. They even point to the FreeBSD license as a good
> > choice for a candidate.
>While necessary for a project like FreeBSD, this is not sufficient.
>FreeBSD (and BSD in general) has outlived a number of companies
>and technologies, and if Perforce went down the tubes and there
>was no source we could have a major problem.
>Now, where did I put my SCCS copy of the tree...

I think that for FreeBSD as such, CVS is so far the best sollution. It's 
free, it's good and is open.

Company I work for used ClearCase so far, but we are now slowly migrating 
towards CVS (money thing you know). Team in which I work uses MKS SI (MKS 
Source Integrity) and it's hell, if we compare it to cvs. I don't use it 
long, but I like it. It has several options of using different clients in 
different environments, so I hope FreeBSD will stay on it.


*  Aleksander Rozman - Andy  * Fandoms:  E2:EA, SAABer, Trekkie, Earthie *
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