The Apple darwin site is:
I've not looked through the source for this, so you may have to inquire 
on the darwin-development mailing list for pointers into the source 



On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 07:48 AM, Andrew Gallatin wrote:

> Justin C.Walker writes:
>> On Wednesday, February 20, 2002, at 04:52 PM, Julian Elischer wrote:
>>> yes but we might as well be protocol compatible if possible :-)
>>> If only to re-use what they did in gdb :-)
>> The Darwin/Mac OS X scheme only deals with IOKit because that's where
>> the drivers live.  The protocol implementation is in the directory
>> 'xnu/osfmk/kdp'.  It's in essence a UDP protocol, and is implemented
>> without using any of the system's networking scheme (except for mbufs).
>> The implementation is polling.  The implementation is pretty
>> light-weight.
> Where do the Darwin gdb sources live, so we can see the gdb end of it
> too?  I've looked, but have so far been unable to find them.
> Thanks,
> Drew
Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large  *
Institute for General Semantics        |    Men are from Earth.
                                        |    Women are from Earth.
                                        |       Deal with it.

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