> I still wonder, whether this problem occurs because of how thttpd does
> things, or how FreeBSD implements kqueue stuff, however, I am not sure

I take it you don't have any logs for 4.4?

> And one more question: out of kqread()/poll()/select() methods, which one
> is more likely to perform better, both under normal server access, and

Under normal load it doesn't matter. Under heavy load there can be no

This excerpt is the FreeBSD relevant portion:

With 1 active socket amongst 100, 1000, or 10000 total sockets,
waitAndDispatchEvents takes the following amount of wall-clock time, in
microseconds (lower is faster): 

On a single processor 600Mhz Pentium-III with 512MB of memory, running FreeBSD
4.x-STABLE (results contributed by Jonathan Lemon): 

     pipes    100    1000    10000   30000
    select     54       -        -       -
      poll     50     552    11559   35178
    kqueue      8       8        8       8

(Note: Jonathan also varied the number of active pipes, and found that kqueue's
time scaled linearly with that number, whereas poll's time scaled linearly with
number of total pipes.) 

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