Dominic Marks wrote:

>>quick question: Are there any irqs that are generally a good source of 
>>entropy, for use with rndcontrol? I need a single setting that works 
>>well on a number of different machines (for our default configuration). 
>>Are there any drawbacks to specifying many irqs here (in the hope that 
>>some have good entropy on some machines, and others on other)?
> I think this was debated before, and I seem to remember Mike
> Silbersack was the original poster. You might like to search the
> archives and see.
> Or my memory could be in a twist (?).

All I found in the archives was a related discussion if using CPU 
temperature and fan speed would be good sources of entropy.

Lars Eggert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               Information Sciences Institute              University of Southern California

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