"Lajos Zaccomer (ETH)" wrote:
> You may be interested with my results, thus I summarize briefly what
> I am very much surprised of.  You were absolutely right with the order
> of negotiation messages (not surprised of this). I may not know in
> English good (or bad? :-) enough for an RFC. What I was shocked after
> your mail (though I originally expected this) that my scratch (I only
> modified the negotiation part) worked with FreeBSD and Solaris 5.8 as
> well, and of course all the others I tried before. I feel that I
> understand less of Telnet now than I did before reading the documents.
> Thank you for your help again.
> Best regards,
> Zacco
> PS: If you think this might be of any interest, you may forward it to
> the list, but I don't do it, because I have already unsubscribed (I
> needed only some hints).

I've Bcc:'ed the list, per your permission, to at least capture
the results for posterity.

I'm glad that things now work for you.

Your understanding of the RFC is not a fault; the negotiation
hack for stack identification of the client machine is not
well documented anywhere; it's "black magic" that you have to
find a practitioner to pass the secret on to you, or find
some older source code that has it noted in the comments from
someone who has also has the problem, fixed it, and commented
their code as a result.

Hopefully now that this is documented in the -hackers list
archive, if someone else has the problem, a search engine
will find this message for them.

If anyone else is having a problem with a telnet client that
is unable to talk well to FreeBSD (I think there are two
Linux-based terminal server products that have this problem,
since I know I've used one of them ;-)), consider this a clue
to send to the manufacturer.

-- Terry

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