
My name is K.S.Sreeram, and i am very much interested in contributing to
freebsd kernel. I have been browsing through the kernel code, but i was
not able to follow it much, and i dont
know where to begin,

I would be happy, if somebody can help me through the process, as i feel

confident, that i can contribute a lot, once i get started.

I'll give you a little background about myself, as it might help you
where i can fit in.

I am 22yrs old, and i have been programming on the intel platform
for the last 10 yrs. I have a reasonably good understanding of the intel

architecture. I completed my B.Tech in computer science from the Indian
Institute of Technology, Chennai in 2000. I'll list some of the things
i have worked on in the past.

I have done a lot of system-level programming in MSDOS.

- I have written several TSRs including one using which i implemented
and directory level access control

- I have developed a complete 32 bit protected mode debugger, which
directly off the boot sector of a floppy, which then boots MSDOS from
hard disk in virtual 86 mode. This project also involved writing an
and a disassembler for the 386 processor.

- I have used the above debugger to hack around with a lot of other
including DOS itself. I have also altered the behaviour of several
in memory without altering the on-disk image. for instance, in many
games i changed the behaviour so that i wouldnt get killed!!

- I have also used the above debugger, to detect a wide variety of DOS
viruses, which typically occupy some amount RAM, and then fool DOS into
thinking that this memory is actually used by the BIOS.

- i have written code to directly use a floppy drive, without using the
in protected mode. This involved a lot of hardware programming.

- I have a reasonable amount of experience in writing a lot of both
application level and system-level code for the win32 platform.

- I have built a Pascal compiler as part of an assignment during school

I have extensively worked on a lot of 3D graphics programming work

- I have built a complete 3D game( actually 2.5D ) similar in
to the original Wolf3D, and have a lot of experience in writing
assembler code.

- I have then worked on a full 3D engine, and have done some nice
of realtime shadows using raytracing.

- I have built a interactive 3D world building program, which i used to
a reasonably detailed model of my school campus.

Comparitively speaking i have lesser experience with Unix, which i have
using only for the last 1.5 yrs ( linux to begin with, and freebsd for
last one year ).

I have a reasonably good understanding of the unix programming model,
and its
API. I have been reading up the following books off late (Author:
Stevens ) :
- Unix network programming
- TCP/IP Illustrated
- Advanced Programming in the UNIX environment

I am quite proficient in Intel Assembler, C, C++ and in Java.

With this background information, i hope you will be able to help me in
contributing to the freebsd kernel. The biggest problem is that i am not
to find enough documentation on the kernel

Thanks & Regards
Sreeram ( ks )

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