In a message written on Fri, Jan 11, 2002 at 11:33:49AM -0800, Terry Lambert wrote:
> I'm guessing that, even though you are not saying it, that the DTR
> drop occurs *immediately* after the probe and attach, and not some
> short time after the init scripts have fully rung, and the getty's
> are started, initiating "first opens" (this is an educated guess
> from looking at the code).

No, this is wrong.  The probe comes and goes, and I see a long list
of probes after it.  The drop is after the last kernel probe, and
before the first non-kernel message (verified for both single user
and multi-user now).

Again the best way I know to describe this is that the drop occurs
when the "boot sequence" switches from bold print to normal print
on a CRT.  Hooking up a crt to the same spot, and comparing messages
with what I see on the serial port shows this is when it happens.

What I have now realized is that this is long before getty runs, since
it is not run on the console until the boot scripts complete.

I now suspect the bios is leaving DTR high, and when init sets up
stdout (for the rc scripts) and/or "opens the console" is when
DTR is momentarily dropped.

I'll be darned if I can see where that happens in init though.

       Leo Bicknell - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - CCIE 3440
        PGP keys at

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