Please wrap your postings at 72 characters.

Hurd, as I know, derived some of it's code from the Mach program. And so 
does FreeBSD with it's VM (and I don't know what else). I don't see why 
FreeBSD should support Hurd, etc. Hurd is a micro-kernel based system, and 
quite a significant portion of the code would need to be rewritten to make 
portions of FreeBSD and Hurd to be intermixed. Leave aside performance 
improvements and stability issues.

I also cannot see the logic in continuation of the Hurd - we don't want 
more OSes or kernels or bells and whistles - we just want better stuff; 
ones that will keep pace with the improvements in hardware capabilities. 
Like FreeBSD and Linux.

Also, licensing is an issue - majority of the the Hurd source code 
carries the GPL (and the CMU and Utah licenses too, if I'm not wrong). GPL 
conflicts with FreeBSD's artistic license.

And finally, IIRC, there is already a project called xMach, which is AFAIK 
a derivative of both FreeBSD and Mach (somebody please correct me).

On Wed, 2 Jan 2002, Rafter Man wrote:

> Hi
> About a month ago, I wrote this mailing-list asking if the FreeBSD 
developers had analysed and learned from the Solaris and Linux kernel. I 
got some good answers (thank you), but now I have one more question.
> >From the 27/12 too the 29/12 I was at the CCC congress and attended a 
lecture called "Unix Redesigned". It was Neal H Walfield who talked about 
The Hurd:
> So my question is: Will FreeBSD take a good look at the Hurd?
> I know the last Hurd release was in 1997, but within this year a new 
release will be made.
> I don't expect FreeBSD to rewrite the whole kernel, but just too use 
some of the things or make a combination. Fx now users can have more id's 
and deamons run as "null".
> I know that this will take a lot of work, but I don't have the 
programming knowledge too make these changes myself, but when I am 
finished with my computer education I will financially support FreeBSD and 
ofcourse write some programs. Until then all I can do is make FreeBSD 
aware of other alternativs and thereby insuring that FreeBSD is in front 
(some of the hurds way of doing things are the way of the future, but 
overall FreeBSD is still better, but can learn a few thing from the hurd).
> Best regards
> Rafter
> PS: If a more badly written version of this mail have already been send, then i 
>apologize for that.
> -- 

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