Hi all!

I've patched the fwohci driver from the DVTS suite
(http://www.sfc.wide.ad.jp/DVTS/) to do the memory
allocation for the card on it's own in the case BIOS
is too lazy to do it (my case). Patch is in
the attachement. I'd like to thank Warner Losh for
his help with this problem and for his PCCBB code
in the -CURRENT. My patch runs for me on FreeBSD 4.4.
So if somebody is interested, here you are...

With best regards and best wishes for the year 2002,


                            Petr Holub
CESNET z.s.p.o.                       Supercomputing Center Brno
Zikova 2                             Institute of Compt. Science
10200 Praha, CZ                               Masaryk University
Czech Republic                     Botanicka 68a, 60200 Brno, CZ 
e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              phone: +420-5-41512278
                                       e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Attachment: fwohci.diff
Description: Binary data

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