corecode has written:

>On Thu, 20 Dec 2001 14:2:16 +0800 Leslie Jackson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Now i think i've got a basic knowledge about the BIOS data area.
>> But reading the code of boot0.s, i got another question as in the
>> following code:
>> main.5:      incw dx                 # Next item 
>>              addb $0x10,bl                   # Next entry
>>              jnc main.3                      # Till done
>> The partition table in MBR only has 4 items, why check for 16 times??
>it doesn't check for 16. it adds 0x10 to bl and if bl overflows (prolly
>the end of the partition table. as sizeof(ever entry) == 0x10 and the 4th
>ends at 0x1fc another (a 5th) increment will overflow bl and result in a
>set carry flag.

Thanks for your insight! And i've got the point.

Before the loop around on the partition table, the register %dx has been assigned
the value $0x7c2(That is: 0x600 + 0x1be + 4) as in the code:

                        movw            $(partbl+0x4), %bx

So 4 items of the partition table has been checked, %bl has the value $0xf2.
And the following increment(addb $0x10, %bl) will result in a carry flag.

Am i right??

Thanks a lot.

BTW: the more i read it(boot0.s), the more i find it's worth reading.


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