On Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 10:12:27AM -0500, Dragon Fire wrote:
> I have created a PCI device driver but I have a problem. The core code was
> developed using the current make_device_driver.sh then modified to fill in
> the details of the device.
> The problem is the make_dev call in attach is succeeding but not making the
> device node in /dev. If I make the device node manually everything works
> fine. Am I misundertstanding the purpose of make_dev or have I implmented
> something incorrectly.

I suspect you're misunderstanding.  In 5.0-current make_dev will create
a device node if you are running devfs (default), but on other releases,
you must do it yourself.  When adding a driver to the system you need to
add appropriate entries to src/etc/MAKEDEV (installed as /dev/MAKEDEV)
to allow creation of device nodes on non-devfs systems.

-- Brooks

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