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On Fri, Nov 30, 2001 at 11:01:56AM +0700, Igor M Podlesny wrote:
> [router]
>   |
>   X---->|backbone|-->
>   |
>   |
>   Yip1----|the same media|------[some another ip-network]
>   |ip2----|the same media|------|some box|
> Here  is "router" with FreeBSD (OpenBSD, and, probably *BSD) and "Some
> box"  doing traceroute to (for e.g.) a host which is _reachable_ _via_
> _backbone_.   X,  Y  --  NICs.  Y  has  several  IPs,  making  several
> ip-networks on "the same media".
> The  problem: traceroute being run on "somebox" will hear respond from
> "router"  coming  from  Y.ip1  address  which  isn't  on its (somebox)
> IP-network.  (well,  I  deem  icmp.echoreply isn't alone in this.) And
> this happens because wrong IP-addr is passed to ifaof_ifpforaddr(). My
> patch  fixes  namely  this problem -- I have worked out and applied it
> and  I  believe  I know what I'm talking about. Look at it, and you'll
> realize what I mean...
> You  may  ask  me  for  details,  but,  please,  don't  make different
> situations  asking  me  how  does  it  correlate  with -- damn lack of
> time...
Yeah, now I see what's screwed up.  I even thought about this myself
this morning (well, you know the saying we use for that :-), before
even reading your mail.  But your fix is not quite correct, as we may
have an individual routing table entry on "router" pointing back to
"somebox" with a specific interface address (IFA) given, as reported
by the "route -vn get -host <somebox>" command, and we should actually
use that as the source.  The correct fix is a bit more complicated,
and fortunately I have one.

Ruslan Ermilov          Oracle Developer/DBA,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Sunbay Software AG,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          FreeBSD committer,
+380.652.512.251        Simferopol, Ukraine

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