I'd like to try to develop code (maybe kernel code modifications or external modules) for clustering with FreeBSD, but I'd like to see some work in order to know where I might get started, I'm thinking 'bout plain C and maybe C++ and some shell scripting,
Do you know any source code I may see to get these project started? It would be nice to include cluster software (for HA and PVM) with future distributions like RedHat's Piranha or HeartBeat HA SW,
I dont have so much money, I've just bought an Athlon 1.4 GHz computer for developing with FreeBSD (I tried Linux but it seems not to be as stable as FreeBSD 4.4) and Im out of cash, but I'd like to contribute with some code to the cause!!! And I still have to get another machine for cluster-testing,
Any suggestions for distributing my code with the BSD-style Licensing?
Is there a site for registering code? Here in Mexico is a litle bit difficult, I'd like to do it somewhere in the web...
Fabi�n Salamanca
M�xico City

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