On 29-Nov-01 Leo Bicknell wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 28, 2001 at 09:34:37PM -0800, Peter Wemm wrote:
>> CDROM installs are most likely going to use cdldr soon so we will have the
>> entire module suite available from loader.  For boot floppies we should
>> probably use the one that is smaller on disk.. but we also have the the
>> embryonic "driver disk" in the pipeline for real floppy installs.
> Not to get too far afield, but I might suggest the install people
> consider some middle ground.
> Right now I can mess with floppies for an install, or download a
> 600+ Meg ISO image to burn CD's.  It would be extremly useful if
> I could download a 5-10 Meg ISO image for a CD that was essentially
> the floppy install (eg, download everything over the net), without
> having to wait for a 600 M download to finish over a slow link.

Yes, it's called the mini-iso and is basically the first CD w/o any ports or
packages.  The last one I built for current that didn't include Xfree86 was
about 200 Meg.  That also didn't include the ports collection or any of the


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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