On Mon, Nov 26, 2001 at 02:11:42PM -0700, Joesh Juphland wrote:
> I am going to be setting up four freeBSD servers as a test environment - 
> they need to be totally isolated machines.  However, I would like to see if 
> I can do all of this on one server.  The choice that comes to mind 
> immediately is vmware, but since I am required to use all freeBSD, I would 
> be using vmware via linux compatibility mode, which is somewhat slower than 
> native vmware on linux.

    Eek, no way.  I *have* to use VMware to run Linux at work (otherwise
    I would have had to put Linux back on my desktop) and I have been
    nothing short of utterly impressed with it's performance on FreeBSD.

        (On a side-note, if one has to run both Linux & FreeBSD on the
         same box, I hold the opinion that it is actually advantageous
         to run FreeBSD as the host and Linux as the guest for two
         reasons.  Firstly, I could swear VMware runs far faster and
         more stable on FreeBSD than it does on Linux (from the machines
         we have at work anyway).  Secondly, there's always likely to be
         better support for Linux as a guest OS.)

    I haven't run multiple VMware instances though, nor have I used
    FreeBSD as a guest OS -- your mileage may vary.

    I'm not really suggesting VMware over jail, I just wanted to inform
    you that VMware performs bloody fantastically on FreeBSD.  
        (Yeah, ok, I'll keep going.  My Linux VM actually builds our
         work system up to ten minutes quicker than running Linux na-
         tively on the same machine.  Make of that what you will!)



Trent Nelson - Software Engineer - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
       "A man with unlimited enthusiasm can achieve 
               almost anything." --unknown 

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