Are you sure you have the serial port configured identically
on both ends? Does tip work correctly between nodes?
What OS is running is your host mashine? FreeBSD has a very nice
nmdm virtual serial port driver, which allows VMWare guests
to communicate with host and presumably with each other without 
the need of serial cable, so if your host OS is FreeBSD, you might
want to take advantage of that :).

/usr/src/sys/modules/vinum/.gdbinit* files make excellent
starting point for someone wanting to gebug FreeBSD kernel
remotely. You might want to check them out. 

Please make sure that you have run set remotebaud command in
gdb with the baud speed matching the value with which
your port has been configured (it should match option CONSPEED
value in your kernel config file). I was getting exactly the
same errors until I figured out what was going wrong. Greg Lehey's
.gdbinit files, modified appropriately, will take care of that 
for you.

I am not sure remote debugging is possible between Linux and FreeBSD
though. I only have experience using two FreeBSD boxes or FreeBSD
host/FreeBSD guest pair under VMWare.

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