Matthew Dillon wrote:

He was writing a virtual memory manger of his own that resembled
the Windows version of one he wrote, in order to port software
to UNIX (most likely Linux and not FreeBSD, if you were to look
at the web site for his company).

>     Simply using a pre-written file does not really guarentee
>     anything... after all, you can run out of space on the
>     filesystem as easily as you can run out of VM, and if you
>     store other things, like configuration data, in the same
>     filesystem, you are just as vulnerable to bad programming
>     in the event of a write() filesystem-full failure as you
>     are vulnerable to overcomitting the VM system to the point
>     where it starts killing processes.

If you precommit the disk space, then it is impossible for you
to run out later.

The answer to the "if you store other things" arguement is
"precommit *all* contendable resources".

I think he wants to avoid failure testing out the ying-yang in
his fast path, which is a reasonable thing to want.

I know you like overcommit, and trusting the system to do the
right thing, but this is not FreeBSD specific code he is writing
here, so bending his code around the FreeBSD implementation
would be bad.

-- Terry

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